The Villa Wasmuth Paintings 2014 -2016

Painted during a residency in the home of the collector and founder of the Hans Arp Museum Johannes Wasmuth between 2014-2016, the paintings were loosely inspired by the Hans Arp works in the Villa as well as the reading of the short stories of J.G. Ballard's "Vermilion Sands." They represent a continuation of the artist's fascination with human endevour verses time and technology. This series was never intended to be prophetic, but almost ten years after its creation, it now seems particularly poignant. They are either painted in a slick, cold photorealist cut-out style or made with infinite grains of sand. The works fluctuate between the care with which they were made and the cold reality that machines today could just as easily have created them.

Die Gemälde entstanden während eines Aufenthalts im Haus des Sammlers und Gründers des Hans-Arp-Museums Johannes Wasmuth zwischen 2014 und 2016 und sind lose inspiriert von den Hans-Arp-Werken in der Villa sowie von der Lektüre der Kurzgeschichten von J.G. Ballards "Vermilion Sands". Sie stellen eine Fortsetzung der Faszination des Künstlers für das menschliche Streben im Angesicht von Zeit und Technologie dar. Diese Serie war nie als Prophezeiung gedacht, aber fast zehn Jahre nach ihrer Entstehung erscheinen sie vielleicht sehr treffend. Sie sind entweder in einem glatten, kalten fotorealistischen Cut-out-Stil gemalt oder mit unendlichen Sandkörnern hergestellt. Die Werke schwanken zwischen der Sorgfalt, mit der sie hergestellt wurden, und der kalten Realität, dass sie heute genauso gut von Maschinen hätten hergestellt werden können.

The Villa Wasmuth Paintings

Icarus 1

  • Oil on Canvas
  • 73 x 92 cm
  • 2015
Mark Alexander's oil on canvas: vivid red background with monochrome female portrait, abstract shapes.

When did it all begin?

  • Oil on canvas
  • 2016
Two shop dummies with one touching the other intimately on the back sitting against a minimalistic beige background.

The Salon Painting

  • Oil on Canvas
  • 73 x 92 cm
  • 2015
Mark Alexander's oil on canvas: bright red scene with abstract forms, wavy blonde hair, and monochrome face.

The Red Studio

  • 0il on canvas
  • 130 x 163 cm
  • 2016
Mark Alexander's oil on canvas: vibrant red scene with ornate grand piano and abstract white architectural elements.

Sand Madonna After Picasso

  • quartz sand
  • 2015
Quartz sand artwork with varying shades forming a frame; depicts a mother and child, inspired by a Pablo Picasso drawing.

The Annunciation

  • Oil on canvas
  • 130 x 90 cm
  • 2019
Sleek mannequin in a black dress seated with white ankle boots against a beige backdrop featuring a simple drawn figure.

The Museum Of Pacification, Classification and Subjugation

  • Oil on canvas
  • 130 x 90 cm
  • 2018
Painted image of wooden religious figure in deep anguish on minimalistic background.

The Pioneer

  • Oil on canvas
  • 42 x 35 cm
  • 2018
Mark Alexander's oil painting showcases a monochromatic face with a contrasting textured lace collar.


  • Oil on canvas
  • 127 x 90 cm
  • 2019
Bald, well-dressed figure seemingly admiring himself in mirror.


  • Oil on Canvas
  • 72 x 58 cm
  • 2017
Mark Alexander's oil on canvas artwork (72 x 58 cm, 2017) showcases a monochrome portrait on an easel set against a vivid red background, interspersed with abstract green and white elements.

Love Between the Atoms IV

  • Pencil on paper
  • 2015
Pencil on paper drawing of German woman with fancy neck attire.

morning light

  • Oil on canvas
  • 127 x 90 cm
  • 2019
Mark Alexander's oil painting depicts a figure in a reflective suit and helmet against a tan backdrop.

This Land is Your Land? This Land is My Land!

  • Oil on canvas
  • 92 x 73 cm
  • 2019
Gold showroom dummy in yellow, sheer underwear.

This Land is Your land ? This Land Is My Land !

  • Oil on canvas
  • 92 x 73 cm
  • 2019
Mannequin in black bathing suit with a minimalistic beige background.

The Farm

  • Oil on canvas
  • 110 x 100 cm
Minimalistic paintings of a group of animals on plain beige background featuring elephants, cows and goats amongst others.

Love Between the Atoms XIX

  • Pencil on paper
  • 2015
Pencil portrait by Mark Alexander, capturing a calm face with attentive eyes and soft shading.


  • Oil on Canvas
  • 73 x 92 cm
  • 2017
Mark Alexander's oil on canvas: vivid red room with monochrome portrait, white easel, and abstract elements.


  • Oil om canvas
  • 73 x 92 cm
  • 2016
Mark Alexander's oil on canvas: striking red backdrop with a pale monochrome face portrait and abstract forms.


  • oil on canvas
  • 130 x 90 cm
  • 2018
Black showroom dummy torso hung on stand.

Acts of Love for an Uncertain Future

  • Oil on canvas
  • 92 x 73 cm
  • 2019
Mark Alexander's oil painting depicts a mannequin pointing to a goldfish on a terracotta-hued canvas.

Love Between the Atoms XX

  • Pencil on paper
  • 2015
Detailed pencil sketch of a contemplative face with piercing eyes and subtle shading by Mark Alexander.

Love Between The Atoms 1

  • pencil on paper
Detailed pencil sketch of a woman's partial face with expressive eyes and soft features.

Sand Madonna Vermillion Sands iii

  • Quarts sand
  • 103 x 83 cm
  • 2019
Sand Madonna with sleepy child by artist Mark Alexander.

Sand Madonna IV

  • Quarts sand
  • 103 x 83 cm
  • 2019
Madonna and child painted from Quartz sand with sand frame.


  • Oil on canvas
  • 92 x 73 cm
  • 2018
A goldfinch on a pencil drawn tree or plant.

Sand Madonna V

  • Quarts sand
  • 103 x 83 cm
  • 2019
Faded Madonna and child painted in sand by British artist Mark Alexander.

Sand Madonna I

  • Quarts sand
  • 103 x 83 cm
  • 2019
Madonna and child painted from Quartz sand with sand frame.